Saturday, June 27


Applying to jobs is probably the most dreaded thing ever. I found an awesome site that has tons of jobs posted: I would definitely recommend using this site because there a so many types of jobs all over The United States. Throughout the week I search for jobs and save them and then on the weekend I apply to the ones that I am qualified in filling. I've been doing this for 2 months and only get a few interviews is disappointing because I feel like I qualify for most of the jobs I applied for. Then not hear anything back from them which usually is several weeks later saying they have selected someone else. But I know one day I will find a job or two that will want me and it'll be a perfect fit.

My dream job would be editing, proofreading papers or texts that will go out into the real world. I went to school to hone my natural editing skills and I appreciate all the classes, people, and professors that have helped me grow. I would also love to dabble into the marketing industry because design has elements of editing that is necessary to be catching. And with a publishing industry I think there is both need to be successful. So once I land a job, my career will jet off and my skills will continually hone. I love learning and finding out things about myself of what I can do. Here's to my future!