Thursday, March 7


I have struggled to get a start on my career since graduation. I have decided two careers that mean a lot to me. The first one is an editor and the second one is a teacher. It's not hard to decide on one that I want more because I have a love and passion for editing. However, I feel like both would fulfill my desires and love of English.

When it comes to becoming an editor, I have a love to editing text and making sure it's error free. I feel like I have always had a knack in making sure texts are up to par before publication. I have copy edited product manuals and company procedures as well as edited texts (verbatims) in surveys.

The first draft is black and white. Editing gives the story color. 
~ Emma Hill

Then there is the direction of being a teacher. I have always loved writing since taking a creative writing class in junior high school which lead me to want to become a teacher. This would be more so in the college level than secondary. However, I have been given a lot of advice from those who are close to me to become a teacher. It can become a bit unnecessary but I know they have the best interest in mind.

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. 
~Albert Einstein
If I had to choose one career over the other, it would be becoming an editor. I just have a love of correcting and proofing texts and design in making it the best it can be before being exposed to the public eye. It has become hard to get into this career because I don't have a lot of experience. I feel discriminated because of that and not taken seriously for I feel like I have a natural ability to edit to bring to the table. I am hoping a hiring manager can see my passion and love for editing and take that incredible chance of me that they will not regret.

I still want to be a professor, which means I will need a Master's Degree. This is something I am still in research of and will accomplish in my future. I need to pinpoint the degree that will best accomplish my future goals and I have yet to figure that one out beyond editing and teaching.

I feel like I want to do so much in life but also feel held back by not having accomplished getting into the editing field. I have applied to a few jobs this past month in editing positions and always hope to hear back saying I got the job. On one I applied to I was passed over once again. Now onto wondering on the other one if I am hired or passed over again.