Tuesday, August 25


So my summer wasn't terribly exciting because in the middle of the season I fractured my left wrist. The important facts to know is that I am left-handed and I currently do not have health insurance. So upon this accident happening, I had to find a free clinic that would help me financially and medically. I researched and called making an appointment to a clinic that was about 25 miles away, I would have to drive using my right hand during construction. It was scary driving north because I only had use of my non-dominant right hand.

I arrived to my appointment and filled out paperwork using my left hand that was injured. I paid a fee to see the medical professional and she thought it was just sprained. I disagreed because this is the hand I use to write my signature, and I felt it necessary to get an x-ray to make sure it wasn’t fractured. I am given a voucher to get an x-ray and get 3 views taken. A few hours later she calls me and tells me my wrist is fractured. But since it’s the weekend I should go to the closest Instacare to get a splint put on.

I didn’t want to go but decided it was a good idea. I filled out more paperwork and eventually I got a splint on that I had to wear for at least 4 weeks. The first week of having my splint on was the worst because my right hand got sore. But after that it was just a part of me. After 4 weeks in the splint, I go to my follow up appointment and am given another x-ray voucher and 3 x-rays. A few days later the medical professional tells me that the radiologist says I am healed. I happily take my splint off and put a wrist brace. After 2 weeks I take the wrist brace off so my left hand and wrist can heal properly. I have to do several wrist exercises a day but my left hand is almost back to normal.   

Saturday, June 27


Applying to jobs is probably the most dreaded thing ever. I found an awesome site that has tons of jobs posted: Indeed.com. I would definitely recommend using this site because there a so many types of jobs all over The United States. Throughout the week I search for jobs and save them and then on the weekend I apply to the ones that I am qualified in filling. I've been doing this for 2 months and only get a few interviews is disappointing because I feel like I qualify for most of the jobs I applied for. Then not hear anything back from them which usually is several weeks later saying they have selected someone else. But I know one day I will find a job or two that will want me and it'll be a perfect fit.

My dream job would be editing, proofreading papers or texts that will go out into the real world. I went to school to hone my natural editing skills and I appreciate all the classes, people, and professors that have helped me grow. I would also love to dabble into the marketing industry because design has elements of editing that is necessary to be catching. And with a publishing industry I think there is both need to be successful. So once I land a job, my career will jet off and my skills will continually hone. I love learning and finding out things about myself of what I can do. Here's to my future!

Saturday, May 2


I finally graduated from UVU with a Bachelors in English: Creative Writing. This past semester I was contemplating on walking and I am SO glad I did! It's worth the prices of the cap, gown, stole, and tassel. It's worth the price of finding a cute grad outfit. It's worth the price of listening to the presenters. And it was worth walking and getting my diploma picture! But I am just glad that my mother, father, and brother were there to support me and my older siblings thinking about me that day.

My mother told me to push through the schooling and be glad that you graduated no matter how long it took. My dad now had 3 (technically 2) kids that have college degrees and my mother has 2 kids. I am so glad I can now say I have a Bachelors and it makes me feel proud of myself that I did it. I endured many classes, lots of hours of homework, and many lectures from professors.

And now when I apply to jobs I will have that Bachelors degree to add to it making me stand out a bit more. I have always wanted to do something in writing and being an English major was a great call. So hopefully I land that perfect job that all my classes prepared me for. I know I will be an excellent part of the team. Hopefully in the next few months I get a job but if it takes longer then so be it. I will appreciate having a job and know that I will love it. That's because I have most enjoyed the jobs I have had but I know I will love my new job. So here's to the future in hoping I get a job soon!

Monday, February 2


Two years ago I got my little mama shih-tzu Princess. I have always wanted my own dog and didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars buying a shih-tzu puppy because I know that there are shih-tzus out there that need to be adopted. I was just cruising online looking for shih-tzus that were affordable (under $100) and saw one that spoke to me. She looked like a true long haired shih-tzu but she has something wrong with her right jaw. The couple that were giving her away for FREE said they got her from the Breeder, who used her as a breeding dog. The couple wasn't told how this little dog got her jaw hurt but they knew she needed to go to someone that would love her more.

This couple that was giving away Princess said that she is a sweetheart but that their dog, also a shih-tzu, wasn't adjusting well with her. So they chose him over her. That's understandable. I knew that the family dog, a shih-tzu, wouldn't care if another dog was in the house, so I drove to Kearns and picked her up. She is the sweetest little dog who sat on my lap the whole way home. I took her to the vet the next week to find out of she had a dislocated or broken jaw. Turns out it is broken in three places. But she eats just fine using her left jaw. Eventually I would love to get her jaw fixed, but she doesn't realize shes not normal.

Princess follows me around like a little shadow who loves to be at my heels. Maybe that is how she received a broken jaw. She is always worried when I leave the room and is happy when I come home. She sleeps with me at night and loves treats everyday. Princess is super bossy but very independent who doesn't demand a lot of attention. I love her more and more everyday and feel blessed that she is in my life.

Wednesday, January 21


It's only been a few weeks into my last semester and I already know that my male professor isn't going to be a great fit for me. But I cannot drop the class and I cannot let him know his teaching style is inadequate. So here's a tidbit of his teaching style. He likes to direct the class on what we read in the assigned novel, and he seems like he really isn't listening fully to what each student is saying. Maybe it's just me but a teacher is not a director; a teacher is a person who helps us understand reading materials. So my class is called Contemporary American Literature and when I registered the description said: Studies significant authors, themes, and topics in American literature (c. 1945 to present) in relation to historical and intellectual developments and contemporary literary theory
I italicize the main points of this class because my professor most of the time only talked about historical and intellectual developments and rarely talked about contemporary literary theory. 

In order to take this class, each student must have taken a class prior that touches bases on each of the contemporary literary theories. I truly was excited that I'd be applying/learning the theories within each of the novels were are to read this semester. But with only two weeks in, I see no possibility of my professor helping his students see how the theories are applied within each novel. It's annoying but there really is nothing I can do. I just hope that he will pop in some theories. Until then, I will just go to class and take notes hoping those will help for the response papers within the semester. If someone ever gets in the same position of me, just drop the class and add another one. The lack of this professor's teaching will always hinder his students unless he learns to apply the theories as well.

Thursday, January 1


Several years ago a close friend of mine graduated from the police academy. His graduation made me realize that I need to finish my schooling and get my bachelors degree. I had a plan of graduating before 2015 and now years later here it is 2015 with only 2 classes left. I could have graduated last semester but I ignored my intuition of classes I registered for and that mistake has resonated with me throughout the semester. The blow didn't come until last month and it pains me to realize that maybe, just maybe, it's a blessing in disguise. It better be because some plans should not change, like finally graduating.

Nothing bad in the blow just a jolt of realization that connections should be kept more continuously no matter what. So here I am the first days of the New Year and I am hopeful that my plans will continue. I would love to elaborate on my other plans, but in due time I will expand on them. So on Monday I start the first day of my last semester at UVU. It's going to be weird knowing this is my LAST and FINAL semester at the one college I have been going to for 13 years! Yes that's a long time but at least I am reaching and accomplishing my goal. And that I will gladly walk for and know that I did it this time around on my own. So for all of those people that don't believe that they can graduate or feel like it will take forever, don't ever give up! I didn't. Do whatever you can to complete school, and no matter what you will feel a lot better for having done so.